6月25日、IDMC-13 PPIセッション「もう、治験は始まっている」参加募集開始

2022年6月25日(土)、筋強直性ジストロフィー患者会(DM-family)は、国際筋強直性ジストロフィー学会IDMC-13(The 13th International Myotonic Dystrophy Consortium Meeting)の最終日に、PPIセッションとしてウェビナー「もう、治験は始まっている」を開催します。



Myotonic Dystrophy Patients’ Group of Japan (DM-family) is going to hold IDMC-13 Families Day webinar “Clinical trials have already begun” on Saturday, June 25th, the last day of the 13TH International Myotonic Dystrophy Consortium Meeting (IDMC-13).

This is a Zoom webinar event with English and Japanese interpretation services.

It contains the lecture on therapeutic drugs that are already in or close to clinical trials, the presentation about HAL, a medical robot suit, which is supposedly control the progression of DM, and the lecture by Tetsuo Ashizawa M.D. Houston Methodist, the founder of IDMC.

Patients, families, physicians, researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and any one will be welcome.

Join us! 
